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we're having a photo contest!

First Prize - $250 Best Buy Gift Card

Second Prize - $100 Cactus Card Gift Card

Third Prize - $50 Tim Horton's Gift Card


Thursday, December 3, 2015 - nominate your association reps!

The LMS Employees’ Association (LMSEA) is holding nominations for nine (9) Association Representatives that will make up the LMS EA Working Committee. The Working Committee will have a Representative from each pod (pods are defined by worksites under each General Foreman), the Yard, Logistics, and the Office. Once the Working Committee is established, two (2) Reps will be chosen from the group to be Officers of the LMSEA Board. Your nomination must be for someone within your current pod/working area and submitted by midnight on December 11th.  We will be conducting the vote on your job-sites in the weeks following after nominations close. For more info or to submit your nomination, visit the "Nominate" Page on this website now!

monday, AUG 17, 2015 - Who is In & who is out?

Your Association, the LMS Employees' Association (LMSEA), is here to serve you and to be involved and responsive to workplace issues as they arise. You recently received an insert in your payroll regarding how the LMSEA also has the responsibility and legal obligation to represent all of the employees who are covered under the existing collective agreement. There have been questions around who is included in the Association and who is not. Read more...  


You should now be aware that a Registered Retirement Savings Program (RRSP) is being introduced for the employees of LMS. In order to receive RRSP contributions into an account under your name, it is critical that everyone enroll into the program by completing the necessary paperwork. If you do not enroll for the program, then we cannot open an account for RRSPs on your behalf. Please contact the LMS Office to fill out your enrollment forms today. We will soon be uploading blank enrollment forms onto the website under "Benefits".

Thursday, july 2, 2015 - VOTE RESULTS

CONGRATULATIONS to the LMS employees who have shown strong support in the formation of the new LMS Employees’ Association (LMSEA). Ninety-four percent (94%) of employees supported transferring their workplace representation responsibilities to the LMSEA and ninety-eight percent (98%)
supported the introduction of a Registered Retirement Savings Plan (RRSP) program, negotiated between the LMSEA and your Employer. Click below to read more!


The LMSEA needs its own unique logo and we need your help! We are holding a logo design contest and want LMS employees to submit your ideas. A $100.00 cash prize and a $100 gift card to Cactus Club goes to the successful designer! 

Contest ends on July 26th. Click the button below for more information on design guidelines and other contest details.